Comment 37 for bug 404351

Revision history for this message
dobey (dobey) wrote :

I'm marking this as invalid for the ubuntuone-client package. The origianl retraced backtrace shows a stack of 3 frames, with #0 being some unknown that _libc_start_main() is calling, which means it's probably g_main_loop_run() or something, and not anything in an extension (and ubuntuone doesn't run another main loop in the extension). The reports that somehow disabling the start-up of the ubuntuone-client-applet at log-in causing the crash to no longer occur I believe are without merit. There is no connection at all between the applet and the nautilus extension. They are both independent clients of the ubuntuone-syncdaemon dbus interface (and there are no references to DBus anywhere in this bug).

This is most likely a memory corruption error in upstream nautilus, but I am not seeing the crash, and it may well have been inadvetently fixed in 2.28.x already.