Comment 0 for bug 28835

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Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen (kamstrup) wrote :

If I right click a removable device in computer:// there is an "Unmount Volume" option. There's two issues with this:

1) "Unmount" is a technical term users can not be anticipated to know what means. "Remove safely" or something would probably be better.

2) It is not easily discoverable. This is bad for two reasons:
 2.1 - People does not necesarily know that a usb-stick should be properly unmounted to ensure filesystem entegrity.
 2.2 - It is not possible to just eject a CD by pushing the eject button on the drive.

I think the best solution for 2) is to add an Eject/Remove Safely icon in the notification area, popping up a eject/remove safely dialog when clicked.