Comment 15 for bug 26198

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Clovis Peruchi Scotti (roboscotti) wrote :

Ok, it got better but the "bug" is still there.

A few moments ago I started to download (using btdownloadcurses) a video (.avi) to Desktop..
Nautilus started to use 100% of my CPU undefinetely.. no response for anything.. needed to disable ALL thumbnail generation (since i didn't found, after searching kinda hard, the option to disable just video thumbnails) and then KILL nautilus.. after the kill it just reloaded nicely and everything.

The real "bug" I see here is that nautilus entered a infinite (BUSY) loop trying to find a thumbnail for a .avi file that didn't had nothing more than a fez Ks.
Of course there were no "possible" thumbnails to be found but it kept searching.. and searchin..

At first I tought I should wait for the download to end (10 hours) to see it nautilus could finally find its thumbnail..
I quickly abandoned that idea..

So, ain't it possible to detect that the video (or image) doesn't provide a thumbnail. and then GIVE UP!