Comment 0 for bug 254171

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Eivind Kjørstad (eivindk) wrote : Unmounting of fuser-filesystems fail

Normal users can create and mount fuser-filesystems, such as encfs. By doing "encfs ~/somedir ~/some-other-dir", these filesystems correctly show up on the desktop as mounted filesystems.

However, if you right-click and select "unmount" you get a error-message saying you cannot unmount the filesystem, because it does not appear in fstab, and you are not root.

This is factually incorrect -- you *can* unmount the filesystem, assuming you're the user who mounted it in the first place, by using the command "fusermount -u directoryname"

Nautilus should recognize this kind of filesystem and call the apropriate command for unmounting, so that it would work, instead of falsely claiming that you cannot unount the filesystem.

Tested with encfs, likely to affect other similar filesystems like sshfs.