Comment 8 for bug 24660

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ALittleSlow (john3-17) wrote :

I am seeing this same problem in Feisty.
To reproduce:
To reproduce:
Ubuntu menu->Places->Network->Windows Network->the alanos->NATHANS
where "the alanos" is my smb workgroup (though I usually type it in all upper case, nautilaus is showing it in lower case) and "NATHANS" is the name of an XP Home PC. Launching NATHANS gives this error.

"Cannot open NATHANS

"The filename "NATHANS" indicates that this file is of type "desktop configuration file". The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type "x-directory/smb-share". If you open this file, the file might present a security risk to your system.

"Do not open the file unless you created the file yourself, or received the file from a trusted source. To open the file, rename the file to the correct extension for "x-directory/smb-share", then open the file normally. Alternatively, use the Open With menu to choose a specific application for the file."

Right-clicking on the NATHANS icon and choosing "Connect to this server" adds a similar NATHANS icon to my desktop. Launching that icon results in the same error.

Looking at the properties of the icon:
Basic tab:
Type: x-directory/smb-share
Contents: unreadable
Location: smb://the%20alanos
Permissions tab:
The permissions of "NATHANS" could not be determined.
Using Places->Connect to Server... and specifying a share name works fine.
Open With tab:
Open folder