Comment 0 for bug 24660

Revision history for this message
Thomas M. Hinkle (thomas-hinkle) wrote :

I try to add a new samba share -- I already have one working.
I select Places->Connect to Server...
I'm confused by the options, so I click "Browse network..."
I get a directory including existing servers I have working (sftp, other samba
shares, etc.) and a bunch of generic-looking Desktop icons with the following:
smb-workgroup-NAME where NAME is the NAME of a server/share (what are they
called? what are the differences?) on my local network.
When I try to open the share I want (ANTIETAM), I get an error warning me that
the filename indicates a "desktop configuration file" but the contents indicate
"x-directory/smb-share". I am told to rename the file if I know it is safe (to
what I don't know).
Needless to say, I don't know how to rename the file.
Opening it with nautilus via the open-with dialog doesn't work.

So, this bug report is for the weird confusing filetype error.

fwiw, I still haven't gotten my samba share up, but I have yet to determine what
bug (usability or otherwise) is at fault for that. I am simply trying to do with
Nautilus what I can successfully do at the commandline with the following:

smbclient -U myusername -W PARKER //ANTIETAM/myusername

PARKER is my domain. ANTIETAM is our fileserver, on which I have a folder named
for me.
