Comment 13 for bug 223912

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Timo Jyrinki (timo-jyrinki) wrote :

Bah. I've seen random freeze when opening specific directories, but only with specific content (?), not eg. system directory. I had one directory with video files, and when I opened any subdirectory therein, Nautilus froze. First it took up something like 1G of memory for a second or two, then I got the compiz fade effect and needed to kill nautilus. This happened every time in spatial mode, where I could prevent the hang if I closed the previous directory's window quickly enough. But it did happen in non-spatial mode also, if I opened any file in those directories. Then again if I opened it with right click -> open with, it might not happen.

Now I moved the directory around to another subdirectory, and I cannot reproduce the problem anymore even in the spatial mode. I moved it around already before without able to fix the problem, but no somehow I've fixed the problem without knowing what I did.

So, there you go, I added exactly zero information to this bug, except for "Nautilus hangs in random weird ways sometimes when _opening_ something (directory/file)". I did not get anything meaningful in the logs, neither I was able to gdb enough when I tried.

If any of you have something reproducible on two machines, that would be a miracle already.