Comment 3 for bug 193897

Revision history for this message
Jon N. (jonnicc) wrote :

This is my workaround for installing my fonts:

Open your location with your fonts folder. If your fonts are not in a folder, put your TTF fonts into a folder with a special marking such as "MyBestFonts". make sure that the folder has no spaces, or has dashes separating the words. I chose no spaces.

Goto Places> Computer> Filesystem> usr> share> fonts

Drag the "MyBestFonts" folder into the fonts folder. Ubuntu should start to copy them over. It might ask you a question. If it says "cannot do this, you don't have permission", then copy the file to your Desktop, open your terminal and tyoe:

   cd Desktop
   sudo mv MyBestFonts /usr/share/fonts
Password for ? (Type in your password)

After a couple of seconds, your command line cursor should come back.

   cd /usr/share/fonts

If the new file is in there, you've done it!

   sudo fc-cache -f

From the desktop, go to Places> Computer> Filesystem> usr> share> fonts> MyBestFonts

All of your fonts should be in the file, and if they have a lock on them, you can change that by changing their permissions to read and write.

I hope this helps.