Comment 4 for bug 191028

Revision history for this message
Clueless (imateene) wrote :

I haven't had the time yet to post a screen shot but I have been able to more or less reproduce this behavior.

I have 3 hard drives on my machine and Hardy automatically mounted these drives and partitions to the /media folder. My hard drives have both the XFS and EXT3 filesystem.

I happen to have specified a background on my nautilus window when I am in icon view.

When opening nautilus on a hard drive mounted in the /media directory was that the background was garbled , I could barely see the icons for the folders and files on my drive.

When I reset the background by dropping a new background image for my window every thing looked ok for a while.

The next problem I noticed is that is I switch users after my nautilus window has gotten messed up, X doesn't bring up a login window for me to login as a new user, I instead see a white screen where I can't do any thing.

My only recourse at this time is to go to the console CTRL+F1 and restart the gdm service.