Comment 18 for bug 187547

Revision history for this message
Artyom Pervukhin (logus) wrote :

I made some experiments with some files having top running alongside and ready to fire `pkill nautilus`: looks like I found a testcase to reproduce this. Make a directory, put video file in mkv container (matroska) into it (mv file to that directory with shell) and watch for nautilus eating memory. It looks like this: file appears in directory, gnome-video-thumbnailer eats some cpu making its job, then movie thumbnail appears instead of standard videotape icon, and nautilus cpu usage begin to increase, as its memory consumption. If not killed, its residual memory goes up to all available, then virtual memory jumps up to 1 gib (I've got 1gib installed), everything else swaps out till system stops responding.

Tried this on different mkv files: with Xvid, h.264 video, different audiostreams (mp3, ac3), resolutions (nearly-vga to hdtv) -- all the same.