Comment 13 for bug 1800043

Revision history for this message
Feydreva (feydreva) wrote :

Sorry for delay :
as of today :

Spychea ~ » lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 19.04
Release: 19.04
Codename: disco

Spychea ~ » nautilus --version
GNOME nautilus 3.32.1

Spychea ~ » gio info -f /nfs/Download
attributs :
  filesystem::size: 5897253478400
  filesystem::free: 2102894526464
  filesystem::type: nfs
  filesystem::used: 3794193195008
  filesystem::remote: FALSE
Spychea ~ » gio info -f /nfs/Documents_Feydreva
attributs :
  filesystem::size: 5897253478400
  filesystem::free: 2102894526464
  filesystem::type: nfs
  filesystem::used: 3794193195008
  filesystem::remote: FALSE
Spychea ~ »

I use thunar as my default file manager now.
Some program use Nautilus when saving, so I have pb with them too