Comment 6 for bug 176755

Revision history for this message
ifireball (ifireball) wrote :

The steps to reproduce the bug are similar to those on Feisty:

Given the following conditions:
1. User "x" has a directory he owns on on file-system "y" which is _not_ his home directory
2. User "x" does not have write access to the "y" root directory
3. the following 2 conditions occur:
3.1. There is no ".Trash-id" directory (where id is the uid of x) in the "y" root directory or it is not writable by "x"
3.2. There is no ".Trash" directory in the "y" root directory or it is not writable by "x" or its sticky bit isn't set

If the user "x" attempts to move a file from his directory on "y" to Trash (e.g normal file deletion in Nautilus) he will get the error message.

Note that this error will occur even if the sysadmin already worked around it in Feisty and then upgraded, since the policy as to where the trash bin should be located changed.

Note that the only thing a sysadmin need to do to create the set of conditions above is add a new hard drive to the system, mount it on a root-owned location (such as /var/extra_space) and the create directories for individual users within.