Comment 5 for bug 1729887

Revision history for this message
John Does (jonnyx) wrote :

I'm a little bit surprised that there are not more reports like mine. This thing or some connected error cuts off my "workflow" on a regular basis and, like explained below, often forces me to reboot the computer.

There are at least two additional behaviors that i think are connected to this report, one a major:

- Major crashes leaving my mouse useless (in most windows) after using drag-and-drop
After using drag-and-drop from external media to the desktop or dragging a firefox-bookmark (sometimes happens by mistake using firefox not in fullscreen mode) to the desktop (this normally should just create a textfile with the hyperlink) often the mouse stays in grab-mode (a hand is shown) and still can be moved, but can't be used in different windows for actions like click. Now the Firefox is useless, closing with strg+w/q fixes it. If the desktop/folderstructure is affaced by this theres no workaround but to restart the computer (or maybe killing/restarting the process) to use the mouse again for clicking.

- Size of Desktop-Icons/Folders grows with the size in folders.
When i change the Size of the Objects in any folder, simultaneously the size of all objects at the desktop change (not in folder view). This is strange behavior and im sure it wasnt that way earlier. Like when you change the objectsize (strg+scrolling) in a photo-folder by the way and afterwards you cant recognise your desktop anymore, seeing just 3 grown large symbols for example.