Comment 8 for bug 150471

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Jean Levasseur (levasseur.jean) wrote :

I'm having hte exact same behaviour. I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy, upgraded from gutsy-rc. I have installed Sabayon. I also disabled some services from the session-management menu (blue-tooth, at-visual) since I don't need them. Desktop effects are activated, but I get the same behaviour if they are disabled, so those are not the problem.

The process that causes the 100% CPU is Nautilus.

Steps to reproduce:
- Log in.
- Log out.
- Re-log in. At this time, the session loading is quite long. The panels are appearing after a while and are usable, but the desktop stays empty. Right-clicking on it does nothing.
- Trying to log out, the panels will freeze, and the "logout window" will appear after 1-2 minutes (long.....)

To work around this: in a terminal "killall -HUP nautilus && nautilus &"