Comment 11 for bug 148701

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Ari (ari-reads) wrote :

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I run into the same problem. I didn't know Nautilus relied on tracker, and one of the first things I did when installing gutsy was disabling tracker daemon in System>Preferences>sessions.

I don't search that often, but obviously searches never worked in nautilus, I was using search -name in a terminal.

I should have got a warning by nautilus that searches don't work if tracker deamon is off.

Also I second the option to have nautilus optionally not to depend on tracker. I don't want any PC-wide index in my desktop. I doesn't make any sense for me (a search across 20000 files in my home desktop takes 3 seconds) plus it can have security implications.

Thanks for hinting tat Places > Search still works, I hadn't noticed it.