Comment 0 for bug 13319

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Trouilliez vincent (vincent-trouilliez-modulonet) wrote :

In Warty I have a folder with tons of still pics, bmp and jpg, and a few WMV
video files.
Normally when I sort them by type, all the video files are put the bottom, which
make sit easy to find them.

Now with Hoary, it doesn't work anymore, the WMV files are in the middle of all
the bmp and jpg files, it's a pain to find them :o(

I think Warty used the file extension to sort the files, hence "WMV" came after
"bmp" then "jpg".
But it looks like Hoary uses the "MIME" (?) description.

"bmp" is called "Windows BMP image" and "WMV" is called "Microsfot WMV video".
"Windows" comes after "Microsoft", and here you go, the video files end up lost
in the middle of all the other image types :-/
Is there a way to change the sorting mechanism/method back to what it used to be
? Or is it configurable somewhere ?