Comment 36 for bug 1278437

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Matt Billx (mbbillx) wrote :

I am having the same problems reported in this thread. Does anyone find this humorous and ironic: takes us to a website titled "The leading OS for PC, tablet, phone and cloud | Ubuntu"... and (despite the websites self-acclamation) dragging a link to that location on our desktop-workspace produces a link which is (for all practical purposes) useless as a desktop-link.

Sure, a link is created entitled "Link to The leading OS for PC, tablet, phone and cloud | Ubuntu" BUT! That link cannot be moved, and any attempt to do so merely creates a copy of the file, meaning we cannot organize our workspace, thereby rendering our Ubuntu desktop disorganized/unorganizable for internet projects.

Please tell me how Ubuntu claims to be "The leading OS for PC, tablet, phone and cloud | Ubuntu" when this basic feature of organizing one's "desktop" is practically unusable.