Comment 16 for bug 1274740

Revision history for this message
Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) wrote :


> especially in cases where the default upstream GNOME3 behaviour has changed significantly

Yes, I agree that Cairo-Dock and Flashback sessions can't be considered as a Gnome-Shell session and some changes in GNOME 3.10 apps are now too specific to Gnome-Shell.

But I think it can be interesting to have a default mode for all sessions started with Gnome-Session (Unity, Gnome-Shell + Flashback, Cairo-Dock and many others) but still having the possibility to have some tiny differences when using one of this session. I'm not sure that a session launched with Gnome-Session but with another session name than Unity or GNOME will be usable (according to the OnlyShowIn keys in these files: /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop).
Currently, it seems that some programs are specific to Unity OR Gnome-Shell but not all other GNOME sessions.

We can imagine having that:
 * OnlyShowIn=Gnome-Session # => Gnome-Shell, Unity, Flashback, Cairo-Dock
 * OnlyShowIn=Gnome-Session
       AutostartCondition=GSession unless-session gnome # => Unity, Flashback, Cairo-Dock, etc. excepted Gnome-Shell
 * OnlyShowIn=Unity # => only on Unity session

What do you think about that?