Comment 128 for bug 1164016

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teo1978 (teo8976) wrote :

> I can't completely understand what GNOME developers are trying to achieve!
> 18.04 LTS and 18.10 are trying to perform search after entering first letter.

The underlying assumption seems to be that when you type the name of a file, the only thing you may possibly want is to search for that file, and that if the search is recursive within subdirectory, that's even better, and that the only reason you may not want that, is because a recursive search can become slow; but since they have optimized search so much that it is always instant-fast (or so they claim), then who wouldn't want Nautilus to just start searching recursively and instantly showing you the search results as you type? Genius, right?

Wrong. Becaue even assuming a recursive search in a bazillion files could be performed in a nanosecond, that is not necessarily what we want when we type a partial filename. Many of us just want to SELECT a file within the current directory while still viewing all of its contents and not just the matching file/s. Perhaps you want to simply SPOT that file and select other ones that are near to it, or actually select that one but also other ones.

When you want to do a search, which is a completely different thing, you can do Ctrl+F.