Comment 12 for bug 175689

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Duncan Hawthorne (duncan.hawthorne) wrote :

this problem can be solved by having the fstab line as
# /dev/hda4
UUID=35A24A8B2B97FBDB /media/hda4 ntfs defaults,umask=000,gid=46 0 1
instead of umask=007

000 gives read write permissions to everyone (ie the same as 777 in chmod). the last digit is for the "others" which included samba. i think this should be the default mount line on hardy. Is there any reason why you wouldnt want this?
ntfs is a shared partition as it has no concept of permissions, so allowing "others" to read write makes sense. it should be as permissive as possible as there is no concept of any security (note that samba itself then has the option in the gui to allow user looking at your share to edit it, by setting 000 users on the network cant write to your files unless samba lets them too)
if not this then samba should be added to the group with gid=46, or whatever is necessary
adding "uid=1000" is surely wrong, as this is just for you as a user, so doesnt work on shared systems, as only one user can acess the drive

the gui correctly tells you you need to add "usershare owner only = False", but you also need to give samba permission to read the drive, which is not done by default, and which the gui does not tell you. this is probably the problem for "Waldecir Loureiro dos Santos Filho" and "raptor45"
anyone agree?