Comment 24 for bug 375371

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Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :

So, now that some time has passed and I've been able to think about this some, I think we should relax the apparmor profile back to the regulr tmpdir abstraction.

YES it would be more secure to be able to say you can't create files even if you want to because apparmor is restricting users.

But its going to break *a lot* of peoples' applications. LOAD DATA INFILE is a really terrible way to get data into mysql (at least use LOCAL!) but people still do it. SELECT INTO OUTFILE is also a really flawed way to extract data from mysql, but people do it anyway.

The added problem of having to change all test suites that start their own mysqld instance, just so they can create their isolated test database in the system tmpdir, raises a red flag. These test suites should strive to run things as close to reality as possible. If we copy mysqld out of its normal location, we're getting around *all* of the apparmor protections, and so we're bypassing some other things that might go wrong when run against the real mysqld.

So, how about we just move tmpdir to /var/tmp/mysql, but leave the apparmor profile as is?