Comment 4 for bug 244406

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Alex Beels (arbeels-ossf) wrote :

A more complete solution:

1. Pick a directory from which mysqld should be allowed to load files. Perhaps somewhere writable only by your DBA account and readable only by members of group mysql?

2. sudo aa-complain /usr/sbin/mysqld

3. Try to load a file from your designated loading directory: 'load data infile '/var/opt/mysql-load/import.csv' into table ...'

4. sudo aa-logprof
aa-logprof will identify the access violation triggered by the 'load data infile ...' query, and interactively walk you through allowing access in the future. You probably want to choose Glob from the menu, so that you end up with read access to '/var/opt/mysql-load/*'. Once you have selected the right (glob) pattern, choose Allow from the menu to finish up. (N.B. Do *not* enable the repository when prompted to do so the first time you run aa-logprof, unless you really understand the whole apparmor process.)

5. sudo aa-enforce /usr/sbin/mysqld

6. Try to load your file again. It should work this time.

There are some advantages to this approach:

John's workaround keeps apparmor disabled for mysqld globally. That is overkill, and should be a security problem. (Everything in your LAMP stack should be tied down as securely as possible, because it is exposed to the outside world and will be attacked. This is surely the reason why mysqld is restricted via apparmor in the first place. Of course, MySQL has uses outside of LAMP, but we're talking about policy here, not individual installations.)

The alternative (that I was using before I found this page and learned about apparmor) is to always load from somewhere in /var/lib/mysql/, where mysql has read privileges. This is not ideal either, because it corrupts a directory that should be managed entirely by mysql and dpkg, and it requires root privileges to queue up a data file for loading. With the apparmor exception described above, your DBA does not need to be granted any special privileges.

Comments, anyone? I'm a newbie to both MySQL and apparmor, so corrections are welcome...