Comment 20 for bug 123427

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Torsten Bronger (bronger) wrote : Re: [apport] package mysql-server-5.0 failed to install/upgrade:

Today, I found out that the very same root cause also prevents database dump for backups from working:

> mysqldump --opt mysql > mysql.sql
mysqldump: Couldn't execute '/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */': Table 'mysql.time_zone_name' doesn't exist (1146)

After re-installing mysql-server, it works again. Thus, not only the internal user table but also the timezone table is gone. Maybe all other internal tables, too.

Again: This makes backups via a database dump impossible. Is this really "Importance: Medium"?

By the way, the only maintainer question for making this "incomplete" bug complete for almost one year was, "Do you have any files in /var/lib/mysql/?" Of course I have: There is my database after all! Look, I'm really willing to help with this but please do it seriously.

Or, declare that until further notice MySQL Server doesn't work on Ubuntu and that you recommend PostgreSQL.