Comment 0 for bug 1421303

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Robie Basak (racb) wrote :


The dep8 failure here was due to the apparmor profile not being updated, which I will fix. But I've concerned that there is a separate issue here, which is that now I understand the other bug, I expect mysqld to have failed on the first invocation after package install, not the second after the restart. This suggests to me that there's some ordering issue or race that stops the profile from taking effect on the first run.

Complicating factors may be the ordering of dh_installinit and dh_apparmor in debian/rules (I'll amend this to be more sensible, but it should be checked), and systemd vs. upstart (the upstart pre-script does load the apparmor profile in a pre-script, but we are switching to systemd this cycle and the systemd unit does not mention apparmor; I think it should).

So I'd like to leave this bug open so the issue doesn't get lost and does get looked at. We need to make sure that the apparmor profile is loaded correctly and is always active, including the first mysqld invocation after package installation, in the version we release in Vivid.

mysql-5.6 should enter main this cycle.