Comment 0 for bug 1889295

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James Battis (jcbnh-48) wrote : dual monitor display not working after login

Results from a clean install of 20.04 with a forced update.

When my system boots, the system comes up in dual monitor status (separated monitors). Once I log into my account the system reverts to a single monitor mode and the second monitor goes blank. If I attempt to change the display to dual monitors, both monitors are shown and defined correctly in the setup window (Built-in Laptop Monitor and HP 24"). However, once I click on apply, the system tries to reset to dual monitor, I would say several times, but fails and second monitor says that no signal is detected and to check the connection or cable.

However, if I run Ubuntu (older version) from a thumb drive I have no problem with the dual monitor.

I believe I am running the default video driver.