Comment 1 for bug 1933782

Revision history for this message
Thorsten Glaser (mirabilos) wrote :

For reference: please see the linked Debian bug for the story regarding mu͒3 and regarding mu͒4.


ⓐ mu͒4 would need to be packaged separately anyway, but it’s “open core” with reduced functionality that relies on proprietary plugins, which does not fit well with Debian, so I’m not going to package or use it

ⓑ the last “official” 3.x version (3.6.2) is old, unmaintained and buggy *and* does not even correspond to the version of the backend ☹

ⓒ there’s a community effort 3.7 which I *am* going to package… but separately

ⓓ the current package musescore3 will continue to receive backports and fixes by me, which does include backporting some functionality from later versions (and the fixes are often fed towards at least the community 3.7 Evolution; the mu͒4 codebase has been vastly restructured and reformatted, and frankly it’s now a commercial project with a letterbox holding company in Cyprus and Russia doing the development, so the amount of tuits I give for submitting patches to them is rather small these days, considering the various fuckups they do to the .com site they also seem to not be very… engaged)