Comment 6 for bug 44374

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Magnus (koma-lysator) wrote :

I've got this bug as well.

The strange thing is that syncing has been working great for weeks until today. Now it works only one if the calendar.ics-msyncid3.db file is removed.

It may have arisen after installing btscanner, but uninstalling it did not help.

The workaround to enagle utf-8 translations did not work for me...

When the bug appears the phone (SE K750i) sticks in synchronizing mode until multisync is killed.

Once there seemed to be half a sync done when I aborted. Interestingly enough the title of the event was synchronized correctly up to, but not including, the character 'ä'.

However, I have successfully been able to sync 'ä' before.

I don't get it.. How can it break just like that?