Comment 1 for bug 1030040

Revision history for this message
Peter Petrakis (peter-petrakis) wrote :

Hi Vincent,

Could you please provide?

1) any lvm config file or other "stacked" block device configurations
2) if lvm: vgscan -vvv 2>&1 | tee > vgscan.log
3) multipath.conf
4) echo 'show config' | multipathd -k > multipathd-runtime-config.log
5) dmsetup table -v > dmsetup.log
6) multipath -v4 -ll > multipath.log
7) system logs

put that together into a tarball with a datetime stamp and attach it to the bug.

To assist in debugging. Please stop multipathd, flush all paths and then only
run multipath client so we can observe how the paths are created.

0) service multipath-tools stop
1) multipath -F # check that paths have been deleted
2) multipath -v4 > multipath-create-all-no-daemon.log
3) dmsetup table -v > dmsetup-no-daemon.log
3) multipath -ll > multipath-normal-listing.log

attach all this in another tarball appropriately labelled and attach.

BTW, is your hardware handler actually installed? lsmod | grep scsi_dh

Help me understand why your SD names have 'lapped" to use an additional character,
are you performing a lot of hotplug or are there that many disks? an lsscsi -l output
would be nice.
