Comment 0 for bug 1479152

Revision history for this message
Алексей Капранов (Alex Kapranoff) (kkapp) wrote :

Turkish locales have a unusual collation feature. The letter "i" is uppercased to "İ", while the usual English uppercase "I" is lowercased to "ı". This breaks programs that use common "upcase(s1) == upcase(s2)" idiom to compare strings with case insensitivity.

/etc/mtools.conf (default):
drive a: file="/dev/fd0" exclusive

$ LC_CTYPE=tr_TR.UTF-8 mtools
Syntax error at line 5 for drive A: column 9 in file /etc/mtools.conf: unrecognized keyword

$ LC_CTYPE=C mtools
Supported commands:
mattrib, mbadblocks, mcat, mcd, mclasserase, mcopy, mdel, mdeltree
mdir, mdoctorfat, mdu, mformat, minfo, mlabel, mmd, mmount
mpartition, mrd, mread, mmove, mren, mshowfat, mshortname, mtoolstest
mtype, mwrite, mzip