Comment 0 for bug 180362

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Bram Kuijper (terabyte) wrote :

Binary package hint: mozilla-mplayer

1. install mozilla mplayer on ubuntu gutsy
2. make sure mozilla mplayer can play mp3 streams by installing the preferred codecs (w32codecs, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly)
3. go to: (a dutch music website, not meant as spamming, but just an example)
4. pick any dj-set from the list by clicking on an image; a new firefox window will show up in which the mplayer-plugin will be embedded. (you have to allow a popup in firefox)
5. embedded plugin should start playing musing after a short time buffering
6. now click on another window in firefox or another application, so that firefox-window in which mplayer-plugin is embbeded loses focus.
7. sound stops
8. click on the window in which mplayer-player plugin is embedded
9. sound plays again

I try to get a url of a videa, but I am also busy with figuring out why sound recording isn't working on my pc, so that might take a while.