Comment 36 for bug 571444

Revision history for this message
Mathieu Alorent (kumy) wrote :

@bvdb: I've tested with your mount points and I was able to skip all partitions

Here is an extract of my fstab:

inexistant.machine:/var/opt/hosting/data /var/opt/hosting/data nfs defaults 0 0
inexistant.machine:/var/opt/hosting/toto /var/opt/hosting/toto nfs defaults 0 0

LABEL=HOME_IMAGES /images auto defaults 0 0
LABEL=BACK_SG /backsg auto defaults 0 0
LABEL=BACK_WD /backwd auto defaults 0 0

# dpkg -l |grep mountall
ii mountall 2.15.3~kumy1 filesystem mounting tool

I'll do some more test with a fresh reinstall