Comment 2 for bug 524196

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rennradler (bernhard67) wrote :

I can confirm this behaviour on Kubuntu 9.10 amd64 release . I have TMPTIME=0 in /etc/default/rcS. But df gives this after reboot:

# df -h
Dateisystem Größe Benut Verf Ben% Eingehängt auf
/dev/sda3 46G 6,5G 38G 15% /
/dev/sda1 92G 68G 20G 78% /tmp
/dev/sda4 543G 113G 403G 22% /home

68G in /tmp!

In my case /tmp is mounted as seperate file system and not pat of the root file system. /dev/sda1 is a spare partition for testing new Ubuntu installations or distribution upgrades. Since there is nothing to be tested at the moment I thought why not using it as /tmp for my production instalation.

Now, when I don't mount /dev/sda1 on /tmp, i.e. /tmp is part of the root file systen everythink works fine and /tmp is cleaned up after reboot.

It would be interesting to hear about your stetup.

I suspect it is a bug in mountall which is actually performing the cleaning job during bootup.