Comment 38 for bug 432237

Revision history for this message
Ernst Zlo (ernst-zlo) wrote :

Hello Scott,
I'm one of the 5%.

VirtualBox shared folder is to blame
(which I mount in my /etc/fstab with the line
extras /media/xtra vboxsf uid=1000,gid=1000,rw 0 0
stops the photon torpedos ;-)

When I remove the line everything's smooth and perfect.

I've included a tar.gz where you see:

mountall_before.log (after Install but before boot)
mountall.log (after removing the virtualbox drive and after booting where everything worked)
mountall+virtualbox.log (after inserting the virtualbox and mount -a)
Bildschirmfoto-1.png where you see the screen output during the first attempt where it hangs

If this is of any interest at this point:
When trying to reboot (after all above) it hangs with the white Ubuntu logo and no errormessage till the moment when (as I suppose) the scrensaver switches of the light and the VirtualBox window goes dark = the monitor is black.

Yep this time I was so clever to make a snapshot so I'm almost eagerly awaiting beta5