Comment 13 for bug 430348

Revision history for this message
Lou Ruppert (louferd) wrote :

In case the people debugging this don't have a diskless pxe system to work from, I wonder if the difference between what the mtab says and what the fstab says is confusing mountall. Example:


/dev/nfs / nfs defaults 0 0

mtab: on / type nfs (rw,addr=

Meanwhile, for people who need to work on their machines while this is being debugged, I got mine to start with this really awful hack, which I will delete from /etc/init once my mountall is updated:

# fake-mountall - Mount filesystems on boot
# This helper mounts filesystems in the correct order as the devices
# and mountpoints become available.

description "Mount filesystems on boot"

start on startup

expect daemon

emits local-filesystems
emits filesystem

# temporary, until we have progress indication
# and output capture (next week :p)
console output

    echo "Sleeping to let regular mountall do its funky thing."
    sleep 10
    initctl emit local-filesystems
    exec initctl emit filesystem
end script