Comment 2 for bug 163363

Revision history for this message
Nic Watson (ubuntu-nicwatson) wrote :

Yeah, this is a bummer. Here's a workaround. It will work until mindi makes it to 2.1 or mondo makes it to 2.3.

1. Add the unofficial mondo ubuntu repository to your sources:
cd /tmp
sudo cp mondorescue.sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d
sudo apt-get update

Alternatively you could manually install the appropriate .deb files. You'll still want to add the preferences file, otherwise they will be replaced on the next upgrade.

Add a new file /etc/apt/preferences with the following content (sudo gedit /etc/apt/preferences)

Package: mondo
Pin: version 2.2.*
Pin-Priority: 1000

Package: mindi
Pin: version 2.0.*
Pin-Priority: 1000

Then just perform: sudo apt-get upgrade and it should inform you that it wants to downgrade mindi and mondo.

This will track the unofficial mondo repository until mondo >= 2.3 or mindi >=2.1. At that point, you'll want to update your preferences file.