Comment 62 for bug 408555

Revision history for this message
GeorgeVita (8-launchpad-mhnyma-com) wrote : Re: ZTE MF636 3G modem cannot used in Karmic

Just for reference, I tested my ZTE MF636 on my EeePC 1000H running LL LiveUSB (gnome desktop daily live of 8-Feb). Same behavior as with KK (looping attachment/disconnection of ttyUSBx).

My procedure:
- boot daily liveUSB (8-Feb .iso i386 desktop)
- from terminal: 'sudo dmesg -c'
- modem attached
- green led, led off (modem switched), green led, blue led (3g found)
- lsusb shows exact type/model (0031 MF636)
- from terminal: 'sudo dmesg > Desktop/LL_MF636_attached'

Attached is the dmesg output (file LL_MF636_attached).
