Comment 0 for bug 1014236

Revision history for this message
MMlosh (mmlosh) wrote :

MKVtoolnix's gui crashes 10s + 190ms ater launch (yes, it crashes on timer).
*** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: mmg terminated (in libc: __fortify_fail)
It does happen only under unusual conditions, but a stack corruption is a serious problem anyway.

Enabled checking of new version (on by default - Why?? Filled as #1014229)
New version has to be checked (set last_check=0 in ~/.config/mkvtoolnix/config to be sure)
Unreachable DNS servers
    This was caused by a crashed server in my case.
    Unplugging the network cable from the computer works (unless networmanager is used - the interface&routes need to stay up, so the packets are blackholed instead of returning hard errors)
    The sure way is probably "echo nameserver {IP} >/etc/resolv.conf", while {IP} is an unused IP address on local network.

All done on 64b ubuntu Precise.

console output will be attached immediately,
strace output if requested.

PS: I don't understand why gnome-keyring appears on the memory map.