Comment 0 for bug 1570340

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Matthias Apitz (gubu) wrote : BQ E4.5 (OTA-10): documentation of keymapping

Note: the documentation request is NOT for the on-screen-keyboard, but for external keyboards connected through bluetooth;

I have an external BT keyboard with layout UK QWERTY (see a scan of the layout here 1) which works fine with my Ubuntu mobile devices. What I in addition want to archive are the Spanish tilded chars like áéíóñ¿¡ ...

In my FreeBSD netbook I do such configuration on the X11 level with commands like this which are fired up when the desktop comes up, here as an example for the character ñ Ñ:

    # we use the Win-key to add more (esp. Spanish) letters to the keys:
    xmodmap -e "keycode 0x73 = Mode_switch"
    xmodmap -e "keycode 0x39 = n N ntilde Ntilde"

i.e. the useless key "Win" is redefined as a X11-modifier key and pressing the keys Win + n together gives just ñ.

How could I do this within the Ubuntu OTA-10 terminal app or within the M10?