Comment 4 for bug 1747744

Revision history for this message
Doug McMahon (mc3man) wrote : Re: Video playback in totem is corrupted in X11

Seems I can play a vid directly with gstreamer so maybe issue is with totem?
~$ gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=file:///home/doug/Desktop/amostviolentyear-nowplaying_h1080p.mkv
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
Got context from element 'vaapisink0': gst.vaapi.Display=context, gst.vaapi.Display=(GstVaapiDisplay)"\(GstVaapiDisplayGLX\)\ vaapidisplayglx1";
Redistribute latency...
Got context from element 'playsink': gst.vaapi.Display=context, gst.vaapi.Display=(GstVaapiDisplay)"\(GstVaapiDisplayGLX\)\ vaapidisplayglx1";
Redistribute latency...
Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstPulseSinkClock