Comment 13 for bug 1170418

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Brier (brierjon) wrote :

Per an IRC recommendation: I was told to run a backtrace on compiz and try downgrading to mesa 9.0.3.

I have yet to understand the downgrade path - I have yet to test 9.0.3 after the 9.1 upgrade and 3 screen issue began. 9.0.3 worked fine before 9.1 became the latest package.

I attempted a backtrace of compiz using the instructions (, but I am not sure if it was successful. I added the debug symbols for packages currently used by my system. After launching gdb and setting the logging on and "run" all screens only display the background and cursor. I did not get to run "thread apply all bt full" or "set logging off" commands as the terminal disappeared. I did type these command incase the commands would run, but not sure if the output is what is expected from a backtrace.

See the attached "compiz backtrace"