Comment 0 for bug 419922

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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) wrote :

In my laptop (Acer Aspire 5920 with nvidia vga) if I boot with Hardy (without nvidia proprietary drivers installed) glxinfo says:

glxinfo|grep -i direct
direct rendering: No

but if I try to boot with a Jaunty live cd (obviously it starts without nvidia proprietary drivers) glxinfo says:

glxinfo|grep -i direct
direct rendering: Yes

but it's obviously wrong. In fact if I try to run glxgears I see low frames per second that indicates that there is no 3d available. The same issue happens with a fully updated Jaunty installed on VirtualBox: glxinfo always says direct rendering = yes even if in this situation I have at least an info that informs me that something is wrong (OpenGL Warning: Failed to connect to host: Make sure 3D acceleration is enabled for this VM).

So in both situations (real or virtual hardware) direct rendering is always Yes even if 3d is not enabled.