Comment 4 for bug 1362452

Revision history for this message
autumna (autumna) wrote :

just to here to confirm that the problem is still ongoing on 16.04 Ubuntu Studio
Steps to create the issue:
1) go to menu editor
2) change a menu item, for example: changing "lmms", to "lmms -s 48000"
3) save the menu
4) go to the menu, observe that Graphics and Video folders have vanished. Audio has only "lmms" entry

additional observations:

renaming ~/.config/menus/ to ~/.config/menus/ results in other menus restored. However now there is 2 "Audio" folders. one with single application, the other with all expected applications.

reverts the menu back to correct structure.

.desktop file of lmms seems to be correctly created/modified throughout this process.