Comment 5 for bug 1241750

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Artemy Vysotsky (artemyv) wrote :

I have debugged the crash on my Ubuntu using latest code from
hg clone https://<email address hidden>/medit/medit

I have found that crash occurs in the callback update_recent_list_visibility

So for now I closed the initialization of this callback - I do not know what side effects this will cause.

In function void
_moo_encodings_menu_action_set_current (GtkAction *gtkaction,
                                        const char *enc_name)
 I have cahnged internal if to

        if (action->cur_item && !action->update_idle)
            action->update_idle = g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE + 1,
                                                   (GSourceFunc) update_recent_list_visibility,
                                                   action, NULL);

So far medit starts without crash.
I hope somebody who knows what this callback suppose to do will find a reason for the crash and fix bug properly