Comment 0 for bug 1597634

Revision history for this message
freya zhang (572747629-b) wrote : The "Share to" interface displays abnormal when the video is maximized in Video scope.

current build number: 371
device name: krillin
channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en
last update: 2016-06-29 05:04:34
version version: 371
version ubuntu: 20160629
version device: 20160606-ab415b2
version custom: 2

Copy some video to the device.

1.Go to the Videos scope and tap on 'My Videos'.
2.Select a video from the scope. Click on the video screen and then tap "maximize" button displayed on lower right corner.
3.After maximizing the video screen,press the share button on lower left corner.
4.Check the interface.

Actual result:
The "Share to " interface displays under the video screen.
Expected result:
The "Share to " interface should display over the video screen.

The issue is not reproduced when the video is minimized.