Comment 13 for bug 990913

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Doug Jones (djsdl) wrote :

I am having similar problems. I am running Oneiric. I am NOT using LUKS or LVM.

Symptoms vary in severity a lot. Sometimes it simply drops a spare, and it's listed in palimpsest as "not attached". One click of the button and it's reattached, and shown as "spare".

But then sometimes it gets really hairy. These nightmares usually start when I shut down the system, and it appears to hang during shutdown.

Now that this has been going on for a while, I *always* check the status of my drives and arrays immediately before shutting down. First I shut down all apps, then I start palimpsest. I check the SMART health of all drives (all are healthy, except for one that has one bad block, and that never changes). Then I check the arrays; all are running and idle. I also drill down and check the array components, to make sure they are all attached. If I find one that isn't attached, I attach it. I don't shut down until everything looks good.

Then I shut down, and cross all my fingers and toes.

About half the time, shutdown never completes. It hangs on the purple screen, with "Ubuntu" and five dots that don't crawl. I watch the drive activity light; nothing. No drive activity at all.

Then I wait and wait and wait, wasting my valuable time (well, valuable to me anyway) until I get fed up.

Then I do what my mommy always told me, and shut down with Alt-SysRq