Comment 0 for bug 557429

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Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) wrote : booting out of sync RAID1 array fails with ext3 (comes up as syncd)

Using the latest beta-2 server ISO and following, booting out of sync RAID1 array fails with ext3 (comes up as syncd).

Steps to reproduce:

1. in a kvm virtual machine, using 2 virtio qcow2 disks each 1768M in size, 768M ram and 2 VCPUs, in the installer I create the md devices:
/dev/md0: 1.5G, ext3, /
/dev/md1: ~350M, swap

Choose to boot in degraded mode. All other installer options are defaults

2. reboot into Lucid install and check /proc/mdstat: ok, both disks show up and are in sync

3. shutdown VM. remove 2nd disk, power on the VM and check /proc/mdstat: ok, boots degraded and mdstat shows the disk

4. shutdown VM. reconnect 2nd disk and remove 1st disk, power on the VM and check /proc/mdstat: ok, boots degraded and mdstat shows the disk

5. shutdown VM. reconnect 1st disk (so now both disks are connected, but out of sync), power on the VM

Expected results:
At this point it should boot degraded with /proc/mdstat showing it is syncing (recovering). This is how it works with ext4.

Actual results:
Array comes up with both disks in the array and in sync. fsck notices this and complains a *lot*:
/dev/md0 contains a filesystem with errors
Duplicate or bad block in use
Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode...
/dev/md0: File /var/log/boot.log (inode #68710, mod time Wed Apr 7 11:35:59 2010) has multiply-claimed block(s), shared with 1 file(s):
 /dev/md0: /var/log/udev (inode #69925, mod time Wed Apr 7 11:35:59 2010)

The boot loops infinitely on this because the mountall reports that fsck terminated with stats 4, then reports that '/' is a filesystem with errors, then tries again (and again, and again).
