Comment 0 for bug 1335642

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vak (khamenya) wrote :

Hi all,

probably the issue is caused by changing the SATA-port where RAID disks were originally attached -- this is the only thing that happened before my Ubuntu 14.04 (kernel-3.13.0-27) became unbootable.

During the boot the OS runs into infinite loop reporting from time to time these:

incrementally starting raid arrays
mdadm: Create user root not found
mdadm: create group disk not found
incrementally started raid arrays

Since mdadm is in initrd image, I don't even know how to skip mdadm -- workarounds are very welcome, please!

For example, renaming /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf in initrd image didn't help, mdadm then just repeats infinitely without group/user-related errors:

incrementally starting raid arrays
incrementally started raid arrays
incrementally starting raid arrays
incrementally started raid arrays

Disks are successfully assembled into a RAID under LiveCD Ubuntu 13 (yes , i have only old CD here)

Why I consider this a bug? because my RAID-array is needed at application level, not on OS-level (e.g. it is not mounted as / or /boot). So, if one can't boot into OS it is a serious bug. Last but not least, I was never choosing to put mdadm into initramfs, so it is a decision taken by default that leads to not-bootable system...