Comment 10 for bug 102947

Revision history for this message
Colin (colin-bourassa) wrote :

I'm running 10.04, and this bug (or one very closely related to it) is still a problem.

I have a user cron that runs a script to retrieve mail like so:
/usr/bin/fetchmail -a -s -m "/usr/bin/maildrop -d %T"

The maildrop binary is permissioned thusly:
-rwxr-sr-x 1 root mail 174168 2010-02-02 00:56 /usr/bin/maildrop

When fetchmail invokes maildrop this way, it does so as a non-superuser. Unfortunately, the authdaemon directory under /var/run/courier has these permissions:
drwxr-x--- 2 root root 100 2010-07-14 12:37 /var/run/courier/authdaemon/

This causes maildrop to complain that it can't connect to the authdaemon socket. This error message appears as an email from the local cron (or just on STDERR if I invoke the fetchmail script directly on the command line):
ERR: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: Permission denied

(Note: for some reason, my mail is still delivered, even though the above error message is shown.)