Comment 2 for bug 992075

Revision history for this message
Andrew Crawford (acrawford) wrote :

I am also using cloud-init 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.

At first I did see the bug at and as per my comment there, did have the network cables inadvertantly switched, no PXE boot. Switching the cables and re-booting the node had no effect on the persistent "Commissioning" status. Though the node did begin the boot process.

Because the UI was unable to positively identify and enlist the node, and because my original setup (prior to dist-upgrade) was Orchestra using 11.10, I wanted to make sure it wasn't a problem with some of the manual reconfiguration necessary after the dist upgrade (switch DHCP and DNS providers etc.)

However, after rectifying the cabling issue and installing a fresh MAAS server from the official 12.04 release (and with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade) , I am still seeing this behavior, but only one node has this problem.

I also had no luck with the daily ephemeral build.

After watching the PXE boot process on the problematic node, at about 11 seconds into boot I receive a

init: cloud-init-nonet main process (###) killed by TERM signal

which strongly suggests that there is a good reason that the "Commissioning" process is never completed for this node

Interestingly, the node continues to boot to a normal login prompt after about 3-4 minutes.

if left alone, the node will drop a few errors on the console:

* Starting App Armor profiles
Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.sbin.rsyslogd
landscape-client is not configured, please run landscape-config

which makes some sense as the init process isn't completing. I am tempted to open a new bug, for the:

init: cloud-init-nonet main process (###) killed by TERM signal

boot error, but unless people are looking at the actual boot process of the node, the only direct indication that anything is wrong is the endless "Commissioning" state in the MAAS web UI.

OK I have ruled out this as the problem:

A hardware clock mismatch causing Oauth to fail.

[01:31] <DiabolicalGamer> I'm attempting to setup a MaaS server on Ubuntu 12.04, but my nodes keep hanging at "init: cloud-init-nonet main process (256) killed by TERM signal"
[01:31] <DiabolicalGamer> Can anyone help?
[01:31] <bigjools> I can try
[01:31] <DiabolicalGamer> Thanks :-)
[01:32] <bigjools> having said that I am more familiar with the webapp side of things than cloud-init
[01:32] <bigjools> smoser, any idea? ^
[01:33] <DiabolicalGamer> hmm, if I could login to the nodes themselves or access their logs that would really help
[01:42] <DiabolicalGamer> I think I may have found the problem...
[01:43] <DiabolicalGamer>
[01:43] <DiabolicalGamer> My apache error log is full of these and they appear whenever the cloud-init-nonet runs
[01:44] <DiabolicalGamer> any ideas?
[01:45] <bigjools> DiabolicalGamer: ah I know
[01:45] <bigjools> DiabolicalGamer: the clock is wrong on the node
[01:45] <DiabolicalGamer> lol
[01:45] <DiabolicalGamer> is that all?
[01:45] <bigjools> well either the node or the maas server
[01:46] <DiabolicalGamer> *facepalm*
[01:46] <bigjools> yeah, it breaks OAuth if they are too different
[01:46] <DiabolicalGamer> it must be the nodes then because I configured the system clock when I installed ubuntu on the cloud controller
[02:02] <DiabolicalGamer> is there a way to force the nodes to run ntp-update?
[02:03] <DiabolicalGamer> *ntpdate
[02:12] <DiabolicalGamer> OMG it worked!
[02:12] <DiabolicalGamer> Thanks bigjools
[02:12] <bigjools> DiabolicalGamer: yay!

Since this seems tangental to this particular bug, I am leaving this here in the hope that someone may find it useful. I will post back if I file a new bug report or find an existing appropriate bug.
