Comment 1 for bug 1305839

Revision history for this message
Dave Walker (davewalker) wrote :

I really struggle to support this change. It is a clearly impactful change. FFe raised on the day of Final Freeze. Feels rushed. There is no commentary on the regression potential, or the testing done.

Not to mention that RC1 was happily released with a broken MAAS installer, that took 2 weeks to fix. This lowers general confidence in the attention to detail, and this upload could be similar.

This feels like a hardware enablement change that is better suited as a post-release SRU once it is well tested and the general churn has calmed. I do not see a valid reason why this needs to be on the release ISO.. it isn't an install time requirement?

I'm stopping short of outright NACK'ing this, but am rejecting the upload from the queue to avoid it being accepted by mistake.